
I’ve been using your oil of oregano for years. I am a firm believer especially after it cured me in one day from a severe urine infection.
I have also been using it over the years on my 7yr old standard poodle. Two years ago while in Florida he developed a bad case of diarrhea with mucous and blood spotting. Apparently there had been some intestinal dog virus going around at the time. I gave him 3 drops of oil of your oregano in a gel cap 2x a day for 5 days along with a rice and beef diet. In one week he was cured. I was thrilled especially since people I knew had spent hundreds of dollars on vet visits and slow results.

By: JM from Hamilton, Ontario

Hello…I wanted to tell you that I have become a devote advocate of your product. A friend of mine told me about it so I decided to try it. After coming in contact and beginning the symptoms of a brutal head cold/sinus virus, I dosed myself with your Wild Oil of Oregano for a day and the next day the symptoms were gone. This was amazing to me as I thought for sure I was done in for the the cold/virus I had watched so many of my family deal with for almost 6 weeks! My family actually had a bet on that I would catch the cold because everyone else did…it was one of those voracious contagious ones. I think it also helped keep me healthy while traveling over the holidays as I avoided my typical “airplane” cold. On occasion I have given a drop or two a day in a glass of juice to my nine year old son and it seems to have kept him out of the cold season so far. I am grateful for discovering your product. I am glad I did not get a flu shot this year and now feel I have some added protection with your Wild Oil of Oregano. I am also glad you are a Canadian company.

By: Jennifer H

I recently had a outbreak of shingles on my side near the belt line. I applied the Wild Oil of Oregano directly to them a few times a day for about 4 to 5 days. They were healed and almost unnoticeable within a week. Shingles can normally take up to 21 days to heal.
I work at a pharmacy; when my coworkers found out I had them they urged me to get to the doctor right away to get a prescription. They were in disbelief when I showed them they were almost gone a week later.
I use this product for so many other things. It’s great!
Thank you very much.

By: Audrey P

Hedd Wyn,
I have had dizzy spells making everyday living very difficult for me, especially since I am living alone. I had to rely on medication to control my dizziness and it was getting worse.
My son-in-law ordered the Wild Oil of Oregano for me. Though it did not claim to help dizziness, it did wonders for me immediately. It has been almost a month now and after trial and error I’ve managed to control my dizziness with a few drops of oil under my tongue 3X a day.
My head feels clear and the heavy feeling has gone. This is wonderful since I love to curl. Thanks to Wild Oil of Oregano for letting me get back into circulation again. I have asked for help on the internet and I will have to inform these friends that I have found a better cure than taking all those costly supplements on a monthly basis.
Wild Oil of Oregano was God sent for me. Thank you, God.

By: Mary O.

I have had sinusitis for several years now. I have been to every ENT Specialist in the city and there is nothing that can be done. I was a candidate for lymphatic surgery because of the pain and swollen lymph, but was told to live with it. Since taking the Hedd Wyn Wild Oil of Oregano, my sinuses have started to drain properly. My fiancee developed psoriasis of the nails and skin earlier this year despite eating well and proper hygiene. She was prescribed corticosteroid creams and other lotions that did nothing except waste our time and money. Oil of Oregano has completely cleared up the red patchy areas of her skin in a matter of 2 weeks with 2 applications per day. As for her nails, they are continually improving! My mother uses it externally for Heel Spurs, and it instantly numbs the pain for hours! Thank you Hedd Wyn for a great product, that is affordable, with a personal touch.

By: Ralph

The Wild Oil Of Oregano from Hedd Wyn Essentials that I have experienced taking has been, and still is, absolutely fabulous! This is the only product that has helped me with the candidiasis which has plagued me for over 20 years. After experimenting with many different remedies and a couple of other “Oil of Oregano” products which were not effective, I have found that Hedd Wyn’s Wild Oil of Oregano is the “magic miracle” for me.
p.s. It also works incredibly effectively for me (and others I have given it to) for colds, flus, congestion, coughs, etc Sheila L., Denman Island, B.C.

By: Sheila L.

Over the last 35 years, I have been using alternative medicine for many health challenges that have arisen. This came about due to my recognition at an early age that our western medicine was great at performing surgeries and setting bones but was lacking in its approach to medication and nutrition. Over the years I have used every alternative practice imaginable when faced with health challenges. I have also spent a lot of time researching/practicing such things as diet, herbs, essential oils, electro-medicine, accupuncture, massage, soft martial arts, radionics, energy healing, color therapy, music therapy, chiropractic, Chinese traditional medicine, naturopathy, spiritual healing, homeopathy and more.
What I have learned is …a body in a perfect state of balance/harmony will not get sick. Simple, isn’t it? However, trying to attain this state is a somewhat more complicated process than understanding the concept! Over the years, due to my body’s “unbalanced” state I have fallen prey to many colds and flus which I personally found quite debilitating. Oil of Oregano has, for me, been the only thing that has ever been able to prevent a cold/flu from developing when taken at the first sign of symptoms. To me this is just short of miraculous given the alternatives I have tried. My only regret is not “discovering” it sooner.
The number of ailments listed as treatable with Oil of Oregano may lead the skeptical to think that this is “snake oil”. Even I have been surprised at some of the testimonials I receive from people who have had success treating many varied ailments. I can assure you that Oil of Oregano is highly effective in treating all the conditions listed here and more. A bottle of Oil of Oregano in pocket or purse will pay for itself in short order by helping your body maintain its “balance” and greatly reducing “downtime”.
Hedd Wyn

By: Hedd Wyn Founder, Hedd Wyn Essentials

I have had an opportunity to both experience and observe the efficacy of the Wild Oil of Oregano over a period of several years, as I extensively used it myself and recommended it to others. Today, I can state with confidence that application of the Oregano oil contributed to often rapid recovery from numerous troublesome conditions. Sore throat, cough, toothache, cold, flu, sinusitis, gastric and bladder infection, candidiasis, parasitic invasion, indigestion, food poisoning, insect bites etc., being the most common examples. Oregano oil has proven indispensible as a remedy/antiseptic on numerous travels and camping trips. I tried and compared Oregano oil from a number of different sources which led me to choose the Hedd Wyn Essentials Wild Oil of Oregano for its purity and therapeutic properties. This wonderful, zesty food(!) is safe and effective – highly recommend it.

By: Matthias M.

After taking your Wild Oil of Oregano, boils which have plagued me for years have cleared up. After a couple of months of applying it topically to the spider veins on my legs there is a huge improvement. Also my energy levels have been boosted considerably by just taking a couple of drops daily under the tongue.

My grand daughter has a lactos intolerance which results in her breaking out in a rash. Since using the Oregano oil, the rash has gone away and her arms and legs are smooth as a baby’s bottom! She is so happy to be enjoying the summer without having to wear long sleeves and pants to cover the unsightly rash. Thank you

By: Karen F.

I have found your Wild Oil of Oregano very effective in eradicating scabies mites from mine and my children’s bodies. I run a clinic where I see many patients suffering from scabies. Thank you very much for crafting this wonderful product. I will be at the 30th World Congress for Dermatologists in Paris this July. I will tell others about your Oil of Oregano.

Ellen D., Huangji, China

I have been using Hedd Wyn Essentials Wild Oil of Oregano for a couple of months now. I have only one question, “Is there anything that Oil of Oregano can’t cure?” I have successfully treated asthma, eczema, sore throat, allergies, body aches, flu symptoms and it killed the bugs on my houseplants without damaging the plants. I have highly recommended your Oil of Oregano to all of my family and friends.

Kimberley T

Last Friday my husband came home from work with a horrid cold. He was shaking, constantly sneezing and blowing his nose and aching all over. He looked terrible.
When my husband gets a cold he is in bed for 3 days in a coma state!! Two days prior I had purchased some of your Wild Oil of Oregano, after hearing about it on C-Fun radio. I immediately gave hime 3 drops under the tonque and another 3 drops before he went to bed.
In the morning, I couldn’t believe it–a miracle had occured!!! He was recovered with the exception of a bit of a runny nose, which was gone by the next day. Even he couldn’t believe it.
I have been telling everyone since and they are all running out to purchase some for their medicine chests.
Thank you!!

Carol S

I have discovered this new Wild Oil of Oregano i just LOVE its versatile usage. I have cut back on many other treatments I was doing and have come to using only this product.
I use if for myself for IBS, my daughter for yeast and diarrhea and my dogs for parasitic regime. In a matter of two days I saw wonderful results for myself and everybody else taking it. Thanks for the product. It’s very useful and has been going around the table at my house and anybody else I talk to I highly recommend this site and your product.

Marian M

I have been using your Wild Oil of Oregano for about a year. I would not be without it. I feel I have better health since I have been using Oregano oil. I usually have colds during the winter…not a ONE since I have been on Oregano Oil. I feel I have more energy and feel much younger than my 70 years. But the real reason I am writing this testimony is….I recently came down with a fungus under my finger nails ….two nails on one hand and three on the other. After reading about Nail Fungus I became very concerned, so I trimmed my nails as far back as possible and up into where the fungus was nested. I then put Oregano Oil on the fungus area. I did this 5 or 6 times a day. I could see a big improvement the first day so I did it oftener the next day. To my surprise, at the end of the second day there was no sign of fungus. It is 8 days since I noticed no return of the fungus and my nails are growing back. I could not believe the fast results, thanks to Wild Oregano Oil.
One other thing which was really important to me. I used to have this terrible Craving for chocolate…I could not go a day without eating at least one or two chocolate bars .Suddenly I realized I wasn’t eating them at all anymore. I now have one once in awhile because I Want one…not because I Need one..thanks to Oregano Oil…Try Oregano Oil for Cravings!!!

Joanell K., Vancouver, B.C.

While living in Nanaimo, BC, I purchased the 25 ml bottle of Wild Oil of Oregano and enjoyed it so much that I immediately bought the 50 ml bottle.
As a breast cancer survivor, I need to keep my immune system strong at all times and I take a half a dropper every night to keep cold and flu viruses at bay. I am allergic to sulpha, penacillin and all antibiotics – even prozac did not help my depression! Now I feel so good that sometimes I miss taking the oil and then I develop mouth canker sores and realize I need my Wild Oil of Oregano.
At first the taste was very pungent and bitter. Then I read that the oil can be used on the soles of children’s feet and I began to slather my feet with Wild Oil of Oregano and put socks on before bed. Now I enjoy the taste. I have also used the oil on my surgical scar, psorasis flareups and it helps control the growth of skin tags on my upper body. I keep finding many uses for this product and am happy to be supporting a local Canadian business who has developed a high quality product.

Gail T.

Please accept my Thanks for your product. I was suffering the effects of bronchitis and developed a nasty cough, which lasted 3 weeks, despite bottles of cough syrup (well known and advertised brand). A friend happened to still hear me cough after all that time. She pulled me aside and said ” I’m not a medical Dr., but have you heard of this Wild Oil of Oregano?” I had not, but do use the herb in cooking.
Off to the Healthfood Store I went. I bought your product and have used it now for 2 days as suggested on the bottle. The cough has almost disappeared and I now only clear my throat from time to time. What a relief.. and the house has again become quiet too. My husband is sleeping better as well.

Trudy H

when i worked at a montessori school the norwalk virus swept through so badly that we had to close down two of the three preschool classrooms because there was no one to work in them. the teachers and majority of students were all sick. my daughter was in one of those classes and i was rubbing oil of oregano, diluted with olive oil, into her feet each night and taking the drops in juice myself. well, we were 2 of the few people to remain in good health and not contract the nasty virus. my classroom was the only one to remain open!

Fira P

To date, Hedd Wyn Essential Oil of Oregano is the single most effective health aid our family has encountered. We have been using Hedd Wyn both externally and internally for over four years with consistently excellent results. Based upon our personal experiences Hedd Wyn is also an invaluable travel companion. We would recommend highly NOT leaving home without it. Under adverse conditions Oil of Oregano could very easily redeem your vacation, or, as the information literature states… “even your life.”

Kevin E. A.

I will never be without this product. My granddaughter’s dog had been bitten by a squirrel with quite a huge hole made in her leg. Applying the oil of oregano several times a day saved going to the vet and it healed well with no infection. Also use it on my brother’s dog for bites she gets when she gets into a scrap with another dog. Again the wounds heal with no infection. I don’t believe in antibiotics so am most happy there is something like this oil to use with no side affects.

Dianne P.

I read in a magazine about it a month ago, just before we went to Puerta Vallarta, Mexico & we have been to Mexico a couple of times before & always the day before we come home, we seem to get the runs, so I bought a bottle to see how it would work. I had some a couple of times when I started feeling not so great & I was fine. I actually came home a couple of pounds heavier showing nothing made me sick which was the best I’d ever felt…on our previous trip I got the runs the day before & dropped 8 pounds.My husband took it daily the whole trip, not a problem. The day before we were to come home, he got a burger that was uncooked in the middle & sure enough he was up all night with the runs. He took a dose first thing in the morning, he felt instantly better, & we will now carry it with us whereever we go!! It kills whatevers bad that gets working inside of you!!

sue a.

I am a 28 year old female and have suffered with Psoriasis for almost 10 years. At times my skin disorder would get so bad it would burn and bleed. I have spent thousands of dollars on creams and ointments. Seen dermatologists, and been treated with prescription medications to condition the skin disorder only putting it into temporary remission. To find out it would come back. Recently I tried something new. I tried Wild Oil of Oregano. Using 3 drops under the tongue, three times daily it cleared up my psoriasis almost 100%. I tried to lesson the usage and noticed I didn’t get as good results, I also tried to take it orally but sublingually works faster and I’ve seen faster results. I have also used it for yeast infections and have noticed I haven’t had one since!

Carolynn F.

I love your oragano oil for the pain relief it gives my husband who has ostioarthritis in his back hips and knees. I applie it to my cold sores when I get one and it kills them dead. I also us it for pain. When my husband first started using it he had bad sinusitus it gave him relief with in 3 days of taking it.

Pat M.

Amazing product! Never seen anything like it. Cured my mothers fingernail fungus within 2 months after 15 years of having it. I started using it for various skin irritations and anytime I am generally feeling unwell, it really is a miracle in a bottle. Cures skin irrtations that prescription drugs never even came close to curing. Thank you AV

Ella V.

Last year I was perpetually ill. If it wasn’t a cold, it was a cold sore. I was tired of being sick and feeling run down. I went to my local health food store who recommended your product to me. That has been my saving grace. Even though I was sceptical at first, I soon became a believer! Since I started taking this product, I have not been remotely sick and best of all, have been cold sore free for almost a year! This stuff is amazing. I love it so much that I recommend it to everyone I know. I cannot thank you enough!

Marcus J

We have been using Wild Oil of Oregano for about 2 months, and I must say that it has been one of our most wise and cost efficient decisions we’ve made. We use it with toothpaste to brush our teeth, we put it on scrapes, we use it for disinfecting the carpet,couch(we have pets), we use it on our horses daily(we mix it with some aloe vera lotion and use it on the joints as well as the scrapes they get, and also on the horses because of ringworm and other fungus. The list goes on and on, but I will simply say that I am so thrilled to have come across this product, that I share this with everyone. Actually I just came on to the website so that I could print out some information for my father-in-law because he also has race horses and would benefit from using Wild Oil of Oregano. Thank-you for putting out such a superior product that not only does what it says it will, but goes beyond. Sincerely Miriam

Miriam B

I almost completely lost my toenail to fungus. It was separated from my toe right down to the root. For 2 years I tried everything anyone told me would cure it: colidal silver,aloe vera, vicks vapo rub, Schults anti infection, hydrogen peroxide, some stinky stuff I don’t even remember what that was, polysporin, lotrimin, monostat. You name it I tried without sucess. Then a wonderful person told me of oregano oil. I used it full strength on the toenail and diluted 1:4 olive oil under my tongue morning and night. Within 2 days I could feel that it was working because there was no pain. Within 3 months I regained a completely new, healthy, attatched toenail! It doesn’t taste very good. I found I could chase it down with celtic salt water to clean out the strong taste.

Pat B

I am a 69 year-old guy. Over the past number of years I have suffered from persistent gum disease, resulting in the loss of bone supporting the teeth. Over the years I have consitently brushed my teeth after every meal, followed by anti-bacterial mouth-wash. I have flossed my teeth regularly each night and still the gum disease has persisted, resulting in the loss of one molar and two more candidates. Late this past winter I went on a regimen of taking Wild Oil of Oregano 3 drops 3 times a day under the tongue for 3 weeks. I have since backed off to two drops under the tongue at bed-time. My gums have never looked as good. I only wish that I had known of this 10 years ago! Five years would have still saved my tooth loss.

Alan L

I gave my dog a small quantity of Oil of Oregano to treat a urinary tract infection. I searched the internet to find a solution and hit on Oil of Oregano. It stopped his crying to go out in less than an hour. We finally got through the night without his crying(unlike the night before). It was a huge relief for him and my family. It also helped stopped my son from his coughing that he had developed. I had given him some Oil of Oregano a few months ago when he came down with a bad cold. It helped him get over it quickly. But, we had both sort of forgotten about it. Then the problem with the dog came up. So, I gave my son some too. It could have been a much different week for the dog and my son had it not been for the Oil of Oregano. We won’t forget about it again!

Joan S.

My daughter introduced me to Wild Oil of Oregano last summer. I began taking it on her advice, mainly for halitosis. I have been taking it twice a day since then. I get very bad hay fever early every spring – usually mid or late February through the spring. I mean running nose, stuffy head – just plain miserable. I need to take antihistimines on a daily basis. This year I have not had any symtoms. My wife went out and bought the antihistimines, but I have not needed them. The only thing I can put it down to is the oil of oregano. It is now almost mid-april and I am sans hay fever symtoms. My wife went on the internet to find out more about this oil and read that it is used to combat hay fever, etc. So, I thought I would give my testimonial. What other benefits I am reaping I have yet to discover, but this is a major. Oh yes, it does take care of halitosis also.

Hans S.

Wild Oil of Oregano is very effective . I’ve used it to heal a very sore throat and cold that was unsuccessfully treated by other cold remedies and drugs for more than 2 weeks. After taking the perscribed amounts of the OIL of Oregano for 2 days I was on my way to recovery. Believe me ,I was skeptical at first but when you become so sick of being sick and spending monies on treatments that don’t work you will be willing to try anything . . . Try WILD OIL OF OREGANO IT DOES WORK !! Debbie

Debbie B

I have been using Hedd Wyn Oil of Oregano for three years now. I have periodontal disease and my periodontist keeps asking me if I am taking any Antobotics because he can’t believe the condition of my gums, and I don’t remember the last time I had a cold.

Guido S

I had a head cold with a runny nose, nasal congestion, etc. The works! I decided to take oil of oregano a bit differently this time and instead of putting a drop under my tongue, I put a drop in a bowl and poured hot water over it. I put a towel over my head and for about 10-15 minutes I inhaled the steam. Within less than 20 minutes both my nasal passages were open and I could breath in and out of them with ease. I was astonished at how fast it worked!

Robert R.

I have been regularly taking Oil of Oregano for 5 years now. Hedd Wyn is the only brand I will use as it is the best tasting of all I have tried. For me, it is so effective for sore throats, colds, tooth aches and generally keeping my immune system energized. As a result, I never had to take a sick day off from work in over 3 years and I attribute that to Oil of Oregano! In fact, I had the office staff taking Oil of Oregano too. I must say it has improved my health over the years and I believe I am still healing.

Charlotte J

I have been very interested in boosting my immune system and was very intrigued when I saw an article on Oil of Oregano in a Health magazine. I have been taking it for 3 years now and am very pleased. I don’t get colds or the flu anymore. If I am out and about near people with illness, I just wash my hands when I get home and take 3 drops with a tablespoon of applesauce. I was once a person that usually caught everything that was going around and even had relapses. So this is a big weight off my shoulders. I take it twice a day and feel great. As we get older and our bodies change, it is up to us to adjust accordingly. I have also tried rubbing a drop on a musquito bite and shortly thereafter no more itching.

Janet K

I had a small growth on my face by my lips. It was getting bigger and so when I read Oil of Oregano helped with warts I decided to try it. I put 1 drop of oregano in a little bit of water and rubbed it on the spot every night for only 4 nights. On the fifth day I noticed the growth had dried up and fell off. It worked great and I didn’t have to go to my doctor to have it burnt off.

Joanne S

I was so desperate to find a medication that would ease my 2yr old’s eczema all over his body. He’s been given all sorts of cream with steroids and lotions- all to no avail. Hedd Wyn’s oil of oregano was recommended to me by a friend and it works wonders to my son’s skin…my husband who is so careful and cautious when it comes to “natural products” was convinced when he witnessed our son sleeping well through the night…no scratching, no sleepless nights crying and scratching, and no more mittens, no more long sleeves!


Hi, I have tried various brands of oil of oregano and I have to tell you that yours is the best. I have used your product to treat quite a few conditions and I have been amazed by the results. It has improved my sinus condition, gingivitis, headaches, muscle pains, coughs, sore throats, etc. I could go on and on…my list is endless!! The taste is definitely superior to other brands and it is also more effective. I have recently heard that oil of oregano will help to diminish scars if applied directly to the skin, so I am hoping that my scars will fade as I continue using your product. Thank you for making available this fantastic product that has helped me immensely as I continue on the journey towards good health.

Margaret K.

I was somewhat sceptical about wild oil of oregano whilst researching its uses on the internet. I changed my mind once I found the Hedd Wyn website and read some of the testimonials. I suffer from IBS and it can get really bad on occasions with not one week passing without symptoms of bloating and/or painful abdominal spasms. I decided to give it a try and ordered my first bottle. I started taking the oil of oregano immediately and after about two weeks my symptoms reduced. I have now had no symptoms for over one and a half months and counting. It is the longest period of time I have gone without any symptoms since the IBS started. I can’t tell you exactly how the oil works but I know for sure that it has done something. I’m nearly finished on the first bottle and will no doubt order another from Hedd Wyn before it runs out.


My mother introduced me to oregano oil a couple of years ago. Since then, many people I talk to have used this amazing remedy. I just recently started using it on my son’s warts which were not going away for months. In the last 4 days, they have shrunk significantly and I’m sure will be gone in the next week or two. For myself, I always use it for coughs and colds. Even my husband, who is very sceptical of alternative rememdies, now only uses Hedd Wyn Oil of Oregano for coughs and colds.


This product has proven to me to be a safe and fast working relief from the terrible cold sores I experience. My cold sores often form at those most inopportune times and hold me hostage to feeling insecure and embarassed at the unsightly bump on my lip. Using oil of oregano has been a saving grace! As soon as I get the tingle of a cold sore I apply a drop onto my lip. I apply it 3-4 times daily. My usual medication, prescribed from a general practitioner, worked over a 5-7 day timeline (so really the virus just runs it’s course). With Oil of Oregano my last few cold sores have only been present for days, they have decreased in size and heal without any mark. Truly A great product!

Trish Lansley

This is a “Mom is Right” story of listen up already and do it for your own good…. Oil of Oregano is great for what ever ails you. So I listened as Mother showed me three brown spots on her chest diagnosed that day as being cancerous, and they’ve got to cut them out. Mom says “no way, Oil of O will fix it” and three weeks later no spots, no melanoma. I am now a believer and have used two brands of O of O until I found your product at Thriftys in James Bay. I find that my entirely un-scientic taste test tells me that your product has a real bite to it yet is warm and soothing on a sore throat. Plus being from the Left Coast and partial to the Islands I now buy and promote to my friends your product. As I teach the art of cleaning things and sustainable chemistry, the natural bug killing quality of the right kind of O of O is a great incentive to use what is sustainable and natural. Thanks

Brent B

The reason I use Oil of Oregano is that pharmaceutical antibiotics are toxic for me; this is an alarming situation to be in because I also have a lowered immune system due to 30 years of Environmental Illness and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities. Oregano Oil was prescribed by a doctor who is also a naturopath, in Dec. 2003. I was sent to see this man by the dentist as anti-biotics were needed to rid me of sinus infection and abscessed jaw-bone. The GP said Oregano oil was a powerful full-spectrum anti-biotic and would start to work right away and two hours after initial dose, pain was much reduced and gone by the fourth day, after 2 weeks the sinus infection and bone abscesses were gone – without adverse reactions for me! Since then I’ve effectively use oregano oil as a quick and safe anti-biotic, as a disinfectant directly on wounds and as a control for chronic roseacia. There have been unexpected results from using oregano oil: my 24 year Candida problem is nearly gone; my immune system is much stronger. I trust oregano oil as a powerful ally against disease.

Robin H.

I’ve been using your oil of oregano for years. I am a firm believer especially after it cured me in one day from a severe urine infection.
I have also been using it over the years on my 7yr old standard poodle. Two years ago while in Florida he developed a bad case of diarrhea with mucous and blood spotting. Apparently there had been some intestinal dog virus going around at the time. I gave him 3 drops of oil of your oregano in a gel cap 2x a day for 5 days along with a rice and beef diet. In one week he was cured. I was thrilled especially since people I knew had spent hundreds of dollars on vet visits and slow results.

JM from Hamilton, Ontario

Hello…I wanted to tell you that I have become a devote advocate of your product. A friend of mine told me about it so I decided to try it. After coming in contact and beginning the symptoms of a brutal head cold/sinus virus, I dosed myself with your Wild Oil of Oregano for a day and the next day the symptoms were gone. This was amazing to me as I thought for sure I was done in for the the cold/virus I had watched so many of my family deal with for almost 6 weeks! My family actually had a bet on that I would catch the cold because everyone else did…it was one of those voracious contagious ones. I think it also helped keep me healthy while traveling over the holidays as I avoided my typical “airplane” cold. On occasion I have given a drop or two a day in a glass of juice to my nine year old son and it seems to have kept him out of the cold season so far. I am grateful for discovering your product. I am glad I did not get a flu shot this year and now feel I have some added protection with your Wild Oil of Oregano. I am also glad you are a Canadian company.

Jennifer H

I recently had a outbreak of shingles on my side near the belt line. I applied the Wild Oil of Oregano directly to them a few times a day for about 4 to 5 days. They were healed and almost unnoticeable within a week. Shingles can normally take up to 21 days to heal.
I work at a pharmacy; when my coworkers found out I had them they urged me to get to the doctor right away to get a prescription. They were in disbelief when I showed them they were almost gone a week later.
I use this product for so many other things. It’s great!
Thank you very much, Audrey P., Lantzville , B.C.

Audrey P.

Hedd Wyn,
I have had dizzy spells making everyday living very difficult for me, especially since I am living alone. I had to rely on medication to control my dizziness and it was getting worse.
My son-in-law ordered the Wild Oil of Oregano for me. Though it did not claim to help dizziness, it did wonders for me immediately. It has been almost a month now and after trial and error I’ve managed to control my dizziness with a few drops of oil under my tongue 3X a day.
My head feels clear and the heavy feeling has gone. This is wonderful since I love to curl. Thanks to Wild Oil of Oregano for letting me get back into circulation again. I have asked for help on the internet and I will have to inform these friends that I have found a better cure than taking all those costly supplements on a monthly basis.
Wild Oil of Oregano was God sent for me. Thank you, God. Mary O., Guelph , ON

By: Mary O.

I have had sinusitis for several years now. I have been to every ENT Specialist in the city and there is nothing that can be done. I was a candidate for lymphatic surgery because of the pain and swollen lymph, but was told to live with it. Since taking the Hedd Wyn Wild Oil of Oregano, my sinuses have started to drain properly. My fiancee developed psoriasis of the nails and skin earlier this year despite eating well and proper hygiene. She was prescribed corticosteroid creams and other lotions that did nothing except waste our time and money. Oil of Oregano has completely cleared up the red patchy areas of her skin in a matter of 2 weeks with 2 applications per day. As for her nails, they are continually improving! My mother uses it externally for Heel Spurs, and it instantly numbs the pain for hours! Thank you Hedd Wyn for a great product, that is affordable, with a personal touch.


Hedd Wyn’s Wild Oil of Oregano has helped me get past the flu virus and has given a big boost to my family’s health. It helps me clean out my system. I’m a believer!

Sheila D.

One drop of Hedd Wyn Essentials Wild Oil of Oregano knocked out my chronic tonsilitis saving me from yet another round of antibiotics. Mylo P., Vancouver, B.C.

Mylo P.