The Incredible Herb
Wild Oregano has been used for centuries in the Mediterranean to help people maintain good health.Wild Oil of Oregano is a potent anti-inflammatory.

Hedd Wyn Essentials was first to market with a wildcrafted Mediterranean Oil of Oregano to have 100% certified Organic ingredients. Although this cost us a lot more, we kept competitive pricing. More than anything we can say, this demonstrates the strength of our commitments to making the best product possible. There are only two ingredients and those are Certified Organic wildcrafted Mediterranean Origanum vulgare (Oregano) essential oil and Certified Organic, Cold pressed, extra virgin, freshly made olive oil.

A Note to Our Customers and New Arrivals:
In order to come into compliance and remain in business we have had to remove a lot of facts on what conditions may be treated with Oregano oil and all the beneficial properties of the oil and its components. Centuries of empirical evidence, information extracted from hundreds of research papers from top universities worldwide, laboratories and prestigious publications has all been dismissed as irrelevant and unallowable. If you are wondering if Oregano oil can help your health challenge, we recommend using an unbiased search engine such as https://www.qwant.com/, https://brave.com/search/ or https://duckduckgo.com/ Just name your health challenge and the words “oregano oil” Many web pages will give references. Dr. Cass Ingram’s book, The Cure is in the Cupboard, available at your local library or bookstore, contains a wealth of information. Good hunting!

Wild Mediterranean Oil of Oregano is natural and safe to use. Among the natural antioxidants, oregano oil is one of the most powerful. It protects cells from free radical damage in the same way it prolongs the shelf life of foods. Take a few drops daily under the tongue to slow the effects of aging and maintain healthy cell structure.

It will not create more mutant strains of bacteria.

It can be used externally and internally . There are no side effects.
Normal dosages:
1-6 drops taken under the tongue or in juice, water or a teaspoon of honey 2-6 times a day. Hold under the tongue for a minute or longer before swallowing to help absorption. Stubborn conditions may require more frequent dosages.
External application:
Apply a small amount of the Oil to affected areas. Dilute 50% or more with olive or coconut oil if skin is sensitive. Do not use on mucous membranes and sensitive skin areas.

Oil of Oregano provides you with a medicine chest in a bottle. This natural remedy provides defense against biological toxins. Carry it with you whether it is to work or school or on a trip around the world. It is an invaluable travelling companion where food and water sources are suspect or in the event of an injury.

Hedd Wyn Essentials Wild Oil of Oregano is unique by being the only product of its kind to utilize a patented technology which increase bioavailability, absorption and compatibility.
Dogs, birds, horses, chickens and other livestock benefit from both internal and external use of Oregano oil etc.

Wild oregano has been used for centuries in the Mediterranean to help people maintain good health.
Hedd Wyn Essentials Wild Oil or Oregano is lab tested in accordance with the regulations from Health Canada to ensure that natural health products do not contain harmful amounts of infectious agents, chemicals or heavy metals. NPN# 80049470.

Hedd Wyn Essentials is ideologically committed to providing its customers with the same superb quality its founder demands for his family. That is why Hedd Wyn was first to market with 100% certified organic ingredients in a wildcrafted Mediterranean Oregano oil. You can trust in the quality, efficacy and safety of Hedd Wyn’s Wild Oil of Oregano.
Since 1998 Hedd Wyn Essentials have been passionately committed to natural health products that work exceptionally well and are made from the highest quality ingredients. We use wildcrafted and certified organic ingredients in our products. We are steadfastly committed to customer satisfaction through the highest standards of quality ingredients and the safest and most effective formulations. All products have a satisfaction or money back guarantee.