intestinal infection

The multiple uses to which your Wild Oil of Oregano can be put never ceases to amaze me. It was instrumental in clearing up my intestinal infection which I believe was parasitic in nature. I have seen it clear up skin blemishes, sores and bruises and promote general well being.

I recently shared it with a student suffering from cold sores who now feels confident she can keep this under control.

A friend of mine burnt her hand badly and I told her to put Oregano oil on it.and it immediately relieved the excruciating pain she was experiencing and the hand is healing beautifully.

My cat loves the oil. If I put it on topically on a cut or bruise, she will lick it off. I thought the first time she did it, she had made a mistake but everytime I am wearing it she makes a beeline for me and licks it off. She never licks me like this when I am not “wearing it.”

A young mother I know developed congestion in her breast, causing her a great deal of pain. She applied one drop of the oil and rubbed it in gently on the breast where the pain was intense. The Wild Oil of Oregano relieved the pain and also relieved the congestion which had built up, allowing her to nurse in comfort.

Another friend had incredible soreness in her mouth which also made the outside jaw tender to the touch. She applied the Oil a drop or two at a time inside her mouth for several days. She is now completely free of the pain and infection that was there. Voila! Another success with this amazing product.

Thank you for making this wonderful product available.

Rosemary B., North Vancouver, B.C.